Took a trip to RHS Rosemoor today, it's about a 40 minute drive from the Potting Shed passing through some lovely Mid-Devon countryside. There are only a handful of RHS gardens in England so we're lucky to have one this close.
This weekend was a special Apple Festival and it was fascinating to see hundreds (literally!) of types of apples on display. We tasted lots of different varieties and sampled various apple juices and even some cider, a great range on offer and such variety of tastes and textures.
I have been looking for a couple of apple trees for the garden... and purchases were made!
Meanwhile, the rest of the gardens were looking magnificent and I was surprised to see so much fabulous colour this late in the year, but then they do have a whole team of gardeners, so I shouldn't be too surprised at how much better it looked than my own garden here at Little Hound.
If you're a keen gardener, it is well worth a visit. The vegetable garden and potager are, to me, as wonderful as the floral displays.