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at The Potting Shed

Dogs and Dartmoor go together and your well-behaved dog is welcome to stay. The Potting Shed can accommodate one medium to large dog or a couple of smaller ones. If you plan to bring your dog, it must be at least a year old, and do please mention it at the time of booking. You will find that a great many pubs, cafés and attractions are dog-friendly and Devon generally rates very highly for welcoming woofers.


Outside there is a small enclosed area perfect for letting your dog do its stuff. It is fenced to a height of 3 feet. You'll find dog towels, bowls and some dog biscuits to welcome your pooch.

Dogs must not be left unaccompanied in the Potting Shed.


Respect the furniture and decor!

Use the enclosed entrance hall to clean and dry off your dog.

Do mention your dog at the time of booking.

No puppies - your dog must be at least year old.

Bring their own beds with you.

Bring dog poo bags with you.


There is lots of livestock on the moor, and sheep right next to The Potting Shed, and dogs MUST be kept under control. The Dartmoor National Park Authority asks that you keep your dog on a lead on the moor during the lambing and ground-nesting bird season 1 March – 31 July.

This link takes you to the Park's 'Visiting with your dog' page.


PS. If you don't have a dog, why not look at our other suite at Little Hound?


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